string(418) "INVALID_FIELD: '701EY00000090k8YAA') and Stage__c = 'Winner' and Campaign__r.WebsiteControls__c includes ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:207 No such column 'WebsiteControls__c' on entity 'Campaign'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names." string(752) " 00D36000000uQan!AQEAQAeUX68Bbi_Mg.qevL.66FFghRNPVwrTJuJCau8LqL9NkaqXt3rVqe2Qj.opjAIhXgkC2ikxxw21q6QhE2vOiTxCyRqlSelect Id from Nomination__c WHERE Campaign__c in ('7011Q000001dMVNQA2','7011Q000001dMVXQA2','7011Q000001dMVcQAM','7011Q000001dMVhQAM','701EY0000008xkhYAA','701EY00000090k8YAA') and Stage__c = 'Winner' and Campaign__r.WebsiteControls__c includes ('Display Winners') " string(418) "INVALID_FIELD: '7011Q000001dKw5QAE') and Stage__c = 'Winner' and Campaign__r.WebsiteControls__c includes ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:165 No such column 'WebsiteControls__c' on entity 'Campaign'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names." string(710) " 00D36000000uQan!AQEAQAeUX68Bbi_Mg.qevL.66FFghRNPVwrTJuJCau8LqL9NkaqXt3rVqe2Qj.opjAIhXgkC2ikxxw21q6QhE2vOiTxCyRqlSelect Id from Nomination__c WHERE Campaign__c in ('7011Q000001dKQuQAM','7011Q000001dKR8QAM','7011Q000001dKRDQA2','7011Q000001dKw5QAE') and Stage__c = 'Winner' and Campaign__r.WebsiteControls__c includes ('Display Winners') " string(418) "INVALID_FIELD: '7011Q000001dMWpQAM') and Stage__c = 'Winner' and Campaign__r.WebsiteControls__c includes ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:165 No such column 'WebsiteControls__c' on entity 'Campaign'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names." string(710) " 00D36000000uQan!AQEAQAeUX68Bbi_Mg.qevL.66FFghRNPVwrTJuJCau8LqL9NkaqXt3rVqe2Qj.opjAIhXgkC2ikxxw21q6QhE2vOiTxCyRqlSelect Id from Nomination__c WHERE Campaign__c in ('7011Q000001dMWaQAM','7011Q000001dMWfQAM','7011Q000001dMWkQAM','7011Q000001dMWpQAM') and Stage__c = 'Winner' and Campaign__r.WebsiteControls__c includes ('Display Winners') "

2022 Best and Brightest Winners

The Best and Brightest Programs are happy to announce these winners to the Best and Brightest Community


San Francisco Winners

November 2022

Boston Winners

November 2022

Metro Detroit Winners

November 2022

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