Best and Brightest Launches New Employee COVID Survey
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed the way we work. As it relates to the Best and Brightest program, we have made some adjustments to accommodate your needs. We are focusing more on being a Best and Brightest community to help each other through these stressful times.
Are you interested in seeing how your company is performing during this crisis? We have immediately implemented a new COVID-19 employee survey and report as a solution to help you get a pulse on your organization preparedness. This tool will help identify how effective you responded to COVID-19 in your workplace and will provide insight on how to lead and inspire employees in these rapidly changing times.
The Best and Brightest COVID 19 employee survey will score on the five competencies of what employees expect of their leaders:
Implement the Best and Brightest COVID-19 Employee Survey today to see how effectively you are leading during this time. To register for the survey or if you would like more information, contact the Best and Brightest Team at [email protected] or call us at 866.321.1822.