One way to make virtual calls fun is to assign roles during meetings. If someone has a specific job to do, like cheerleader or shade thrower, then they will be more engaged. Call of the Champions is a fun way to recognize the heroic roles that participants play in making a virtual call fun.
- Cheerleader: Responsible for keeping spirits high during the meeting. This person will enthusiastically cheer on the speaker and other team members and lead others to do the same.
- Mover and Shaker: This role is like a virtual meeting traffic cop. When conversations get in the weeds or otherwise aren’t moving along, then this person’s job is to get everyone back on track.
- Shade Thrower: Empower this champ by giving permission to politely boo others. This role is mostly for games with an element of competition.
- Photographer: Throughout the meeting, there will be opportunities for photos and snapshots of the team. Remote teams need photos, too! Give someone the role of group photographer and they can snap a few shots to share by chat or email later.
- Scribe: For some people, Scribe is the least fun role at the meeting and for others, it is the dream job. The scribe is in charge of taking notes.