string(392) "INVALID_FIELD:
RecordTypeId='0123600000129lTAAQ' and WebsiteControls__c INCLUDES ('Display
ERROR at Row:1:Column:109
No such column 'WebsiteControls__c' on entity 'Campaign'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."
string(760) "
00D36000000uQan!AQEAQAeUX68Bbi_Mg.qevL.66FFghRNPVwrTJuJCau8LqL9NkaqXt3rVqe2Qj.opjAIhXgkC2ikxxw21q6QhE2vOiTxCyRqlSelect Id from Campaign WHERE Brand__c = 'The Best and Brightest' and RecordTypeId='0123600000129lTAAQ' and WebsiteControls__c INCLUDES ('Display Winners') AND Formula_Hierarchical_Campaign_Region__c ='Boston' AND Formula_Hierarchical_Campaign_Program__c ='Human Resources'
string(418) "INVALID_FIELD:
'7011Q000001dKRDQA2') and Stage__c = 'Winner' and Campaign__r.WebsiteControls__c includes
ERROR at Row:1:Column:228
No such column 'WebsiteControls__c' on entity 'Campaign'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."
string(773) "
00D36000000uQan!AQEAQAeUX68Bbi_Mg.qevL.66FFghRNPVwrTJuJCau8LqL9NkaqXt3rVqe2Qj.opjAIhXgkC2ikxxw21q6QhE2vOiTxCyRqlSelect Id from Nomination__c WHERE Campaign__c in ('7011Q000001dKQtQAM','7011Q000001dKQuQAM','7011Q000001dKR8QAM','7011Q000001dKw5QAE','701EY0000008xhxYAA','701EY00000090jFYAQ','7011Q000001dKRDQA2') and Stage__c = 'Winner' and Campaign__r.WebsiteControls__c includes ('Display Winners')