Meagan Johnson isn’t a typical motivational speaker… she’s more like a swift kick in the pants. Meagan engages her audience with useful info, hard-hitting facts and a wicked sense of humor.
She is the co-author of the bestselling book Generations Inc., From Boomers To Linksters Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work. She is the de-facto expert when it comes to navigating the maze of generational quandaries’ every organization faces.
Quoted by the Chicago Tribune, and US News & World Report, she has been heard on ABC Talk Live, NPR and profiled on Conde’ Nast’s Meagan has become the ‘Go To’ expert for all things generational.
As a Gen Xer (people born between 1965 and 1980) Meagan takes on generational issues with an insider’s perspective. During the 1990s, while working for companies like Quaker Oats, Kraft Foods and Xerox Meagan often heard negative comments about Gen Xers. Terms like “slacker generation,” “gold collar workers,” and the “Beavis and Butthead generation” were not uncommon.
Meagan knew those terms were unfair and untrue, so she began researching small and large businesses to debunk generational myths and uncover the most effective way to solve multi-generational clashes. That research gave birth to her most popular presentation, ZAP THE GAP How To Make Peace and Profit in a Multi-Generational World.
Meagan challenges her audiences to think differently and act decisively when dealing with multiple generations. Meagan’s Zap the Gap presentation helps participants to think more about the methods they use to reach out to the New Millennium, Gen X and Baby Boomer generations? Outdated methods can leave you scratching your head and empty-handed. You simply cannot ignore the rising costs of low productivity and high employee turnover resulting from misunderstandings, missed signals and missed opportunities! Zap the Gap offers a comprehensive, thoughtful and humorous look at the generations of Americans in the workplace, and the life events that shaped each generation’s work styles, traits, buying habits and needs. Because generations are in a constant state of flux, what worked last year does not work today. What seemed like a perfect solution yesterday is the source of tomorrow’s problem. Learn from Meagan Johnson what you can do now to make the most of each generation in your workplace!