Werewolf is a game of wits, deceit, and skillful manipulation, as one seeks to survive the night. The entire game is based on speaking, careful listening, and voting, which can be run virtually.
First, each player draws a card that indicates a role: werewolf, villager, medic, or seer. For a remote game, team members can be assigned a role randomly and sent their role in a private message. Werewolves eat other players, villagers vote on who they think is a werewolf, medics can rescue a player from the jaws of near-death, and seers can reveal a player’s status as wolf or not. Once each participant has a role, the game master announces that night has fallen and everyone closes their eyes and does a pitter-patter drum roll for something fun to do and to mask other sounds. The game master then calls the werewolves to wake-up, select one victim, then go back to sleep.
Next, the medic wakes up, points to a person to save and then sleeps again. Finally, the seer points to one person to reveal whether they are a wolf or not, and the game master nods yes or no to confirm. Then, the game master announces it is morning and reveals whether the wolves successfully ate a villager. Usually one villager dies in the night, with the exception of the occasional save by a medic. The survivors debate who the werewolf is, and then vote to either eliminate someone or skip the round. Anyone that dies or is removed from the game becomes a silent ghost, and can no longer speak or otherwise participate in the game. Repeat this process until only villagers or wolves remain. Werewolf fuels a lot of discussion and is great for team bonding.